St. Lucia

 CountryType of Law 

Criminal Defamation

Defamation remains a criminal offence in St. Lucia (punishable with imprisonment).

The following are offences under the St. Lucia Criminal Code, Art. 313-329:

Intentional libel (Art. 327), punishable with imprisonment for up to five years.

Negligent libel (Art. 328), punishable with imprisonment for up to two years.


Criminal Defamation of Public Officials

Provisions on the books (seditious libel).

Seditious libel is a criminal offence under Art. 305 of the St. Lucia Criminal Code. The punishment is imprisonment for up to five years.


Criminal Defamation of the Head of State

Provisions on the books.

Defaming or insulting the Crown is a criminal offence under Art. 329 of the St. Lucia Criminal Code. The punishment is imprisonment for up to five years.


Criminal Defamation of the State and its Symbols

Provisions on the books (seditious libel).

Seditious libel is a criminal offence under Art. 305 of the St. Lucia Criminal Code. The punishment is imprisonment for up to five years.


Criminal Defamation of Foreign States and Symbols

No provisions.


Criminal Defamation of the Deceased

No provisions.


Criminal Blasphemy

No provisions.


Other Relevant Criminal Offences

Obscene material

The sale of pornographic material or the exposition of obscene material is a criminal offence under Art. 330 of the St. Lucia Criminal Code. The punishment is imprisonment for up to six months.

Use of insulting words

The use or display of threatening of insulting words within earshot/sight of an affected person is a criminal offence under Art. 356 of the St. Lucia Criminal Code. The punishment imprisonment for up to three years.

Criminal Procedure

Statistics on Application

Civil Defamation

Media Cases and Case Law

Recent Legal Changes


The information contained in this database is for informational and advocacy purposes only. If you are a journalist facing a defamation claim, you should seek legal advice from a qualified attorney. However, if you are unable to find such an attorney, IPI may be able to assist you in doing so. Please contact us at ipi[at]

Information on St. Lucia was last updated in September 2015.



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